Earth616 Recommendations

Do we reveal our sources? Of course. And some of them, we do like a little bit extra. Below there’s some of them!


The website is today quite a flat entrance of Marvel/Disney content, where each post generates possibiltites to communicate about the current subject. If you have a Facebook-account however, you may want to join the “masse” of engaged Marvel fans.

Currently, Earth616 is linking much of the written material from this site at Facebook-page of ours. There are more sites we post our stuff into, but sometimes you might just want to follow and get inspired by other Marvel fans. Here’s a list of suggestions to join.

If you’re interesting in the communities, feel to join us and contribute! Contact information is here.

Entertainment and news

Marvel Entertainment – The producers we follow.

Emergency Awesome – Totally worth it! Accurate, and emergency awesome!

New Rockstars – High class breakdowns, trailers and analytics!

There are several “theorists” that usually tend to not check on their sources. They are excluded from this list.

Producers with movie rights and involved streaming services

DisneyPlus – or Youtube.

Sony (Spider- and Venomverse) – or Youtube.

Universal (Incredible hulk standalones) – or Youtube.

Hulu (US only) – Home of Helstrom, etc.