People around the world have asked about the Disney+ streaming services and how to get their hands on WandaVision. There’s still countires where Disney+ still hasn’t laucnched yet.
During the investors meeting, 11 december, some of this information reached the audience while some still remained unclear. What we know this far is this – and some of this information is also covered by a wikipedia page here.
- Japan had a limited launch 2020, but will expand to the full market next year.
- More launches will be done in 2021, across Emea & Asia including eastern europe.
- Agreements have been made with Comcast so more broadcasters will get their hands at Disney +.
- Star/Star+ will launch in various countries february 23rd: Europe, Canda, Australia, New Zealand and Singapore.
- Deadline was last year writing that the rollouts will continue.
- Cnet writes that Disney Plus is continuing its global rollout under the umbrella of the brand Star.
- One note that cnet also writes is that Hulu wasn’t fully owned by Disney until 2019 and that may be one of the causes that Hulu has not yet been rolled out, outside US.
As we know from before (above), keep an eye on what will happen in the end of february. A better overview from wikipedia tells us that Disney isn’t done yet.